Homasote® 440 SoundBarrier®

440 SoundBarrier® controls sound in floors, walls and ceilings.

Independently lab tested and time-proven in millions of square feet of residential and commercial structures, 440 SoundBarrier® is a special-density, structural board made from 100 percent environmental Homasote® cellulose fiber, a homogeneous composition manufactured with uniformly distributed protection against termites, rot and fungi and resistance to moisture. It also insulates, with twice the R-value of wood. Made with FSC® certified material.

Carpenters and do-it-yourselfers can easily install 440 SoundBarrier® in room partitions and peripheral walls, ceilings and floors, in:

  • Noise control new construction and renovations
  • single or multi-family housing
  • high and low-rise apartments and condominiums
  • motels
  • schools
  • professional buildings
  • assisted living facilities
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Homasote® 440 SoundBarrier® is a special-density, structural board made from 98% environmental Homasote® cellulose fiber. It also insulates, with twice the R-value of wood and made with FSC® certified material. It can be use as sound barrier for walls, floors and ceilings.

Installing 440 SoundBarrier® in subflooring maintains sound deadening over time, as it allows for slight movement in the building structure without cracking like gypsum. Homasote does not introduce excessive moisture in the building envelope during application and offers cost savings by reducing the amount of “framing” material required to carry the floor, as it weighs just 1 .2 lbs./psf.

In addition to breaking the path of airborne noise, the natural resiliency of Homasote® 440 SoundBarrier®reduces and isolates impact noise. This is reflected in high IIC ratings. Used as an underlayment, Homasote separates the finish floor from the base structure, creating a sound barrier.

  • Easy to Install Alternative to Poured Concrete
  • Not Subject to Cracking
  • Recognized in UL 500 Fire- Rated Floor/Ceiling Assemblies
  • Independent Sound Tests Meet or Exceed STC and IIC 50 in Accordance with IBC-1207
  • installing 440 soundbarrier in subflooring maintains sound deadening and noise control over time
440 SoundBarrier's Advantages
  • FSC® Certified
  • Lightweight
  • Easy to handle, cut and shape
  • Widely available in convenient sizes
  • Ready to apply directly to framing
  • Provides excellent noise attenuation when installed as recommended
  • Provides excellent, moisture-resistant thermal insulation
Thickness Available Sizes Weight
1/2″ 4′ x 4′, 4′ x 8′, 4′ x 10′ 1.2 lb/sq. ft.
5/8″ 4′ x 8′ 1.5 lb/sq. ft.
3/4″ 4′ x 8′ 1.8 lb/sq. ft.
Typical Physical Properties
Density: 26-28 lb./ft.3
Tensile, parallel to surface (min.): 450-700 psi
Transverse M.O.R. (min.): 750-1000 psi
Hardness, Janka Ball (min.): 230 lbs.
Water absorption by volume (max.): 2 hrs. immersion 7%
Expansion from 50%-90% relative humidity (max.): 0.25%
R-value: 1/2″ 5/8″ 3/4″ 1.2 1.33 1.4
Noise Reduction Coefficient: 0.20
Flame Spread: Class III (or C)
Floor/Ceiling Assemblies (UL L-500 Series) in which Homasote is Listed
L501 L502 L503 L504 L505
L506 L507 L508 L509 L510
L511 L512 L513 L514 L515
L516 L517 L518 L519 L520
L521 L522 L523 L524 L525
L526 L527 L528 L529 L532
L533 L534 L535 L536 L537
L538 L539 L540 L541 L542
L543 L544 L545 L546 L547
L548 L549 L550 L551 L552
L553 L555 L556 L559 L562

FHA Material Release 1150e and 930e