Sound is propagated in air, much like blowing up a large balloon, which expands equally in all directions.
For sound to be generated and heard it must have a source, a medium through which to pass, and a receiver. Attenuation (Noise) Calculator for Frequency Bands
Description: A free online calculator to calculate the sound power level at a given distance from an acoustical source. The calculator will also compute the noise attenuation between two points in a room, or outdoors.
For purposes of this discussion, we will assume that we are talking about normal speech communications. The source is the speaker’s voice, the medium through which it is transmitted is air and the receiver is the listener’s ear. The propagation of sound is a subject that has intrigued people for years. It’s the study of how to create, control, and limit the spread of noise. We have experts in this field who can help you with your project or question about the propagation of sound.
Propagation of Sound as sound is generated by the speaker’s speech, the speaker’s voice acts like a diaphragm which causes the molecules in the air to pulsate back and forth while moving in all directions, at a speed of 1130 ft per second (770 mph).
A Propagation of Sound of a single segment of a sound wave may be characterized as pressure compressions and rarefactions.