Equipment Noise Barrier

Lockheed Martin Missiles & Fire needs to drop equipment noise traveling through pipes to within OSHA guidelines.
Lockheed Martin Missiles & Fire in the big state of Texas had some big noise problems. Equipment noise is a major source of unhealthy noise levels in a lot of facilities and when the source has a network of pipes connected the problem compounds. And with such heavy equipment comes bigger noise. Piping connects equipment to necessary power, diagnostics and runs through every facility delivering its contents that facilities and equipment need be it power, gases, air, electric etc. Along those pipes vibrate noise and where there is a lot of equipment the noise will most often exceed OSHA regulations. OSHA has the best interest of the workers in mind and noise problems are high on the list. Solving those noise issues can be complicated if you are not sure how to solve.
With All Noise Control, the solution was simple. ANC-WB22 Wrap Barrier product was just what the Lockheed facility needed. Achieving STC ratings from 26 to 30 the Wrap Barrier will offer a 15 to 20 decibel level drop from unwanted noise. Securing the pipes and insulating them with All Noise Control Wrap Barrier absorbs the noise coming from the source, reduces the vibrations of the pipes and therefore significantly lowering the decibel level of equipment noise.
After installing Noise Control Wrap Barrier product Lockheed was able to achieve an acceptable noise level according to OSHA and more importantly it’s employees. Whenever there is high noise levels, productivity does suffer due to noise fatigue. Other undesirable conditions occur often lowering overall happiness and productivity in a work place.
We invite you to call All Noise Control at 561-964-9360 to discuss the noise control materials supplied to this particular middle school and are just as happy to listen to your individual needs and supply you with a customized All Noise Control Solution.

Wrap Barrier - Acoustic Material for residential acoustics or commerical acoustic applications

Acoustical Materials:

ANC-WBV – Wrap Barier