Proper office Design will factor in the sound levels within the office space and determine where office noise reduction materials are needed. Office noise reduction requires the use of absorptive materials to reduce sound levels within the office space.
Fabric-wrapped and sound-absorbing wall panels are commonly used in office design. Soundproofing products such as Sound barrier and door seal kits can also be used in office design to increase privacy and security in executive offices, treatment rooms, and conference rooms. Office spaces with good acoustical conditions result in higher employee productivity and a happier, more efficient office environment.
For reverberation, we have acoustical foams & bass traps. To scatter sound waves & eliminate hot spots we have acoustical diffusion panels and systems. To eliminate exterior noise, we have Vinyl Sound Barrier, Wall Panels The acoustical solution will be a balance of sound isolation products, sound blocking, and sound absorption, all resulting in a harmonious sound control solution.
Noise From The Pipe Work In The Room
Noise appears to come from locations such as ducting, pipework, conduit, or similar building services structures and if these items are ‘live’ or vibrate when touched, then it is most likely a ‘structure-borne’ noise issue.The solution can be dealt with at the source, or the problem acoustically enclosed within the room area in question.

Where there are different conversations going on, or in a classroom where students have difficulty understanding the teacher, concentration can decline and people become more stressed. In these situations, ‘absorptive’ products should provide the solution. Ceiling Absorbers or Wall Absorbers to solve this kind of acoustic problem.
Overhear Conversations At The Other End Of Large Room Areas
When several activities are taking place in one large room (such as a community hall or school hall), or in a large restaurant where several groups are trying to hold a conversation, poor acoustics can make communication difficult. The use of Sound Absorbing products should provide a solution to improving the privacy of conversations such as Ceiling Absorbing Materials
Our engineered noise control solutions provide office soundproofing solutions for classrooms ,offices to increase privacy and security in executive offices, treatment rooms,conference rooms and much more

Conference Rooms
Office Spaces
Community Hall
School Hall
Large Restaurants
Executive Offices
Treatment Rooms
2731 Vista Parkway # D-6
WPB, Florida 33411
[email protected]
Our engineers will help with any acoustical designs & solutions, feel free to contact us for a free quote.
All Products Made In USA.