Acoustical Ceiling Baffles solves reverberation problems

Merion Construction contacted All Noise Control to solve reverberation problems; in a large space. They wanted something that would be economical to install and easy to maintain. Merion Construction has broad experience and expertise in the construction of Class ‘A’, mufti-tenant office buildings, luxury residential condominium and apartment buildings, retail centers, and other complex, high-end building projects. This experience is multi-faceted ranging from informal construction management and oversight to full-fledged general contracting. Merion Construction fell 100% confident that their decision to use All Noise Control was the right decision.

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Acoustical Ceiling Baffles Resolves Noise Vibration Issue….

HHI Corporation contacted All Noise Control; they needed a resolution to a noise pollution that would prevent echoing within the room, also to prevent vibration noise troubles in large place as well with noise going out. The main objective of the project was to avert the echoing, and to prevent sound exposure noises within the project.

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Soundproofing and Noise Control Frequently Asked Questions

We have listed below some of the most common questions and their answers in hopes of providing basic knowledge related to noise, and noise control products and systems.
What is Noise?
Noise is defined as unwanted sound. Unwanted sound can be hazardous to your hearing or can be simply disturbing, interfering or annoying. Sound does not have to be loud to be unwanted.

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Sound Insulation

To understand how different types of soundproofing foam can be used, one must first understand how sound waves and noise levels are measured. The ability of an object to block sound is measured by its Sound Transmission Coefficient (STC) rating, which can range from 0 to 100. A wall with a STC rating of 50, for example, means that noise levels on one side of the wall are 50 decibels higher than on the other side. Sound absorption is measured using the Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC), which generally falls between 0 and 1. This number shows the amount of sound absorbed by an object, and the higher the NRC value, the more noise is absorbed.

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Acoustic Ceiling Baffles for Large space

The main goal for All Noise Control was to find a product that applied to their requirements. All Noise Control introduced Aggressive Tooling, Inc with the Acoustic Ceiling Baffles. This product would help echo-like force and ambient noise levels in an upper area. This product is proven and effective to sound absorber and helps reduce reverberation. It is very inexpensive, the submission to install are simple, maintains as well.

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