School Multi-Purpose Rooms Soundproofing
In the heart if Texas, Milan middle school had a noise reverberation problem typical to institution spaces such as gyms, cafeterias, auditorium and general purpose rooms. We all associate the echoes, noise and reverberation of sound with gyms, pool areas & large auditorium / multipurpose rooms and certainly can relate to the high noise levels in these types of rooms. In this middle school gymnasium (a problem in virtual all gymnasiums), the sound bounces off the walls more than the basketballs. Do to the volume and space in these rooms and lack of noise absorbents, the noise grows and creates echoes and reverberation seriously impeding speech intelligibility. When the gym was in use, the conversation next to you was indistinguishable from the conversation across the floor. During sporting events, the noise became unbearable with the gym full of fans, parents and students. The noise levels at sporting events Is already an unhealthy exposure to high decibels especially with no acoustic noise control absorbents in place.