Office Noise Control

Acoustics studies the sound and how it behaves in various environments. Sound effects such as absorption, reflection, refraction or interference are also studied by acoustics. The broad acceptance of the term ‘acoustics’ refers to all the aspects of sound. Until not long ago, the notions ‘acoustics’ and ‘sound’ referred to waves and elastic vibrations that humans could hear. However, in the twentieth century, the development of technology and science has led to the broadening of the field of acoustics, in that it now comprises aspects not directly related to the hearing process, such as intensities and frequencies which are above or below the audible limits of humans.

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4 ways to achieve effective noise control

4 ways to achieve effective noise reduction:
Sound Insulation. With this approach to noise control, the goal is to introduce a solid barrier to the environment that helps lessen the reverberation of the sound waves. Much like the insulation of a house helps keeps warm air in and cold air out (and vice versa depending on the seasons), this approach effectively mitigates the transference of sound within a defined area by adding materials which block the transfer of sound waves. High-density materials such as concrete, steel, and stone are often used in this application because of they are difficult to penetrate.

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Noise Control

The term “noise control” refers to both active and passive methods of mitigating unwanted sound in the environment. There are a number of reasons why noise control is an important consideration in both business and private settings, including personal well-being, environmental concerns and legislative issues. However, before proper noise control solutions can be implemented, it is first necessary to determine the source and the underlying causes behind its existence. Once this has been determined, it is then possible to establish an appropriate means of circumventing further problems.

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Acoustics studies the sound and how it behaves in various environments. Sound effects such as absorption, reflection, refraction or interference are also studied by acoustics. The broad acceptance of the term ‘acoustics’ refers to all the aspects of sound. Until not long ago, the notions ‘acoustics’ and ‘sound’ referred to waves and elastic vibrations that humans could hear. However, in the twentieth century, the development of technology and science has led to the broadening of the field of acoustics, in that it now comprises aspects not directly related to the hearing process, such as intensities and frequencies which are above or below the audible limits of humans.

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Acoustic Enclosure For Chiller

It was getting pretty hot at the Port-land, Maine Museum of Art. Director ofFacilities, Kevin Eames, decided that the best way to improve the efficiency of themuseum’s air conditioning system wouldbe to install a new rotary screw chiller.The problem was that it had to be placedin the same location as the older, quieterunit, a maintenance workshop spacemeasuring about 15’ x 40’.

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