University of Michigan restores harmony in band room with Acoustic Foam

Educational facilities always have acoustic problems to solve. Whether it’s multi-purpose rooms, gymnasiums or sports centers, theaters, auditorium’s or music and band rooms, there’s a lot of noise in the educational industry. University of Michigan needed to find harmony in their frequently used band room. With the array of instrutments, varity of noise levels and active students, the sound in their band room has serious reverberation problems. Another major contributing factor in these types of rooms are the construction materials, most often exposed concrete which offers a disadvantage by promoting reverberation, echo and distortion of sound.

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Echo problems at University of Florida

The Problem….
First, we all know schools and institutions have purchasing limits and strict budgets. Secondly, they need to utilize as much space as possible to support their growth and strict budgets. And just like any other school University of Florida found itself untiizing a small room for a variety of important admistrative and student tasks. The real problem that came with that space however was echo. Echoes are often associated with large voluminous spaces however in a small space the sound waves bounce much more rapidly off the surfaces of the room creating unpleasant and unwanted noise and reverberation. Also known as “echo”

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Industrial Strength Acoustic Machinery Enclosures

Caterpillar Inc, the industrial of all industrial …. Turns to All Noise Control to supply them with industrial acoustic solutions. Heavy machinery is an understatement when referring to Caterpillar Inc, a world-wide company producing world-class industrial machinery & equipment. At the corporate offices in Morton IL, Caterpillar Inc experienced some acoustic problems that are incredibly common in manufacturing of machinery and equipment. They needed to isolate unhealthy noise levels from machines in their facility.

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How To Soundproof Animal Shelter

Animal Shelters:
Controlling animal noise and the sounds of barking dogs in indoor animal shelters requires reduction of the ambient animal noise level within the room itself. Generally, these animal shelters and dog kennels are treated with sound absorptive materials, which will lower the reverberation (echo) time within the rooms.

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Walls Soundproofing with Mass Loaded Vinyl

The Industry…
Development / Contractor & Builders
Condominium Builders
Barvista is a construction provider of single & multi-family homes and commercial buildings in the Colorado area. Barvista was embarking on a new development of condominiums in the heard of rocky mountains and needed to address one of the most common noise control issues found within multi-family & condominium spaces: shared walls.

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